get your wife back.

keep your family together.

What 1% of dads know that you don't

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If You are a dad who is struggling to keep your marriage and family together...

... the future of both depends on what you do next.

It's not just your marriage that's struggling – it’s your whole life.

Not having stability in your marriage is a very stressful experience and takes a toll on your mental health.

In fact, you may already be experiencing anxiety and depression right now.

When you don’t have a solid marriage, life isn't as fun or satisfying.

After a while, you neglect other parts of your life – like your physical health – making things worse.

Plus, the financial implications of separation or divorce are enough to drive anyone insane.

Ultimately, this leads to you losing confidence and faith in yourself, which affects everything.

You thought being the best provider you could be would make your wife and kids happy – but they’re not.

It's hard to change this mindset when this is all you have known your entire life.

Your marriage needs you. And so do your kids.

If you don't find a way to keep up with daily life and your marriage, there's more than your marriage that you'll lose.

But it doesn't have to be this way ...

While most burnt out dads are struggling with their marriage, a small handful of smart dads are creating connected, passionate, and loving marriages ...

… and they’re doing it without stepping into a marriage counselor's or therapist's office.

Instead of fighting all the time, these men are having loving, peaceful, and fun experiences with their wives.

Their wives have rebuilt their trust in their husbands as leaders of the family.

They're experiencing more passionate intimacy than they did when they first got married!

Plus, their kids see these dads as the role models they've been looking for.

If you are ready to get your marriage back, watch my training below where I'll pull back the curtain and reveal the inside strategies that this top 1% of dad know that you probably don't.


The 1up Effect Methodology helps you win the game of marriage by following these five core principles.


Accept you and your wife as main characters in the game of marriage


Play your own game of marriage and invite her to play


Use The 1up Effect Methodology for connection, intimacy, trust, and respect in your marriage


Put your marriage's rediscovered passion and connection into hyper-drive by having fun


Invest in yourself with scientifically-proven and client-tested mentorship

what clients are saying about working with Thomas...

Howie came in on rocky ground in his marriage.

"It was much more about this idea of building up capacity and integrity and honesty with myself, so that I can then in turn, bring that back into my marriage and all of my relationships where I am, just a lot more honest and solid, and who I am."

His marriage got better, his relationship with his kids got better, his business grew more, and he finds time to enjoy skateboarding and juggling.

SEE what sam said...

Sam came in looking for advice about dating, after living back at home with his parents and a business that didn't really go well.

"I think one of the best parts about it was just connecting with fellow like-minded individuals, who are really pushing to become better versions of themselves. And having that vehicle to really work with Thomas, to get his, mindset, framework on tracking goals, and working through blocks."

He not only found his girlfriend, he hit six figures in his business, and has time to enjoy dance lessons.


You don’t need to sacrifice success, happiness, or burn yourself out — both can co-exist. If this weren't the case, there wouldn’t be industry leading entrepreneurs, executives, companies, and universities wanting to adopt this methodology in their global workplace.

“Thomas helped me embrace who I am and how to work with myself to evolve and create more success. As someone who can be very self-critical, he helped me reframe negative talk in my head. What he aims for is a fundamental foundation for personal and professional growth. This can benefit anyone in and outside of work because he speaks to the core of who we really are in the pursuit of a work-life balance that doesn't really exist. The experience felt customized, was engaging, and overall amazing! I would highly recommend this to anyone."

- Melinda C., Manager, Google LLC


Entrepreneur. Innovator. Gamer of Life.

I’m Thomas Edwards, a 37-year-old coach, father, and husband based in Southern California. After coaching for over 14 years, I have a proven track record when it comes to helping clients, just like you, experience more success, freedom, and happiness in their health, wealth, and relationships.

I love working closely with my clients and I have found that daily action, frequent tracking, high-level mentorship, and a science-backed strategy is the formula for success.

My goal is to have at least 5 million people have their lives improved by The 1up Effect in the next 10 years.

what 1% of dads know that you don't

I promise it will be the most rewarding 40 minutes you have ever spent on your marriage.

Thomas Edwards Jr.

©2019+ edwards expansion llc, All rights reserved.


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